
#TMC17 Informative Formative Assessment {Mary Williams}

Informative Formative Assessment 
Mary Williams

The purpose is to gather data!

Use Kahoot to build Jumbles where students put answers in order instead of just picking one correct answer.

Make a selfie Kahoot for students to get to know you or each other.

Use Kahoot ghost mode for students to challenge them.

Quizizz- individually paced, good for homework, questions on student screens, meme options, and teacher sees live data.

Quizlet- competitive and cooperative, one player in group has correct answer, back to zero if you use one, shows correct answer, play same twice with shuffled teams.

Plickers- no technology needed, scan multiple choice answers, live and downloaded data

Google Quiz- grade MC automatically, immediate feedback; flubaroo add-on able to grade more than MC, share through email or google drive

Go Formative- make live comments, attach standards, integrate already created worksheets

Education- input own standards, assessment library

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